How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10:14-15

"Living Called" in Korca Albania
Our motto is to "live called".
What does this mean to us?
It means living the faith. It means having our faith guide and direct every aspect of our lives. It means using our gifts and talents to further God's kingdom.
We have been working with high-school and university students for 4 years in Korca.
In July of 2023 we opened the the only functioning student center in our city.
Our goal is to make disciples of Christ and to share the hope we have in Jesus.
We strive to bring students into a deeper knowledge and understanding of God, with that growth being reflected in their individual walks.
We are partnered with IFES (Intervarsity Christian Fellowship) and do outreaches with CRU.
Pray for us that we continue to be effective servants. And pray for those whom our lives touch, that they may see the hope and truth we have through Jesus.

Why Albania?

God Loves Albania!
God has a heart for the people of Albania.
Albania is a unique nation with an incredible history. God has put this place on our hearts!
Albania is a very interesting culture. National statistics show that it is about 59% Islamic, only 38% orthodox and catholic, about 2-3% Atheist/Agnostic. Just like nominal Christianity is a problem in the USA, many youth raised in the Orthodox faith do not know the bible well, and the faith is more cultural than life-changing.
A struggling job market, low wages, and a general lack of opportunity leave many youth disappointed and disillusioned. The youth here are searching for hope and purpose. This is where God loves to work! God has purpose for all of us, and gives us means to use our struggles for his glory.
In July of 2023, we opened a place called the Korca Student Center. It is a mix between a café, a makers space, and a university student life center. (click link above to read more!